My Love For You

My love for you is forever
My love for you always grows
My love for you is always here
Even though the whole world knows
My love for you won't fade
My love for you won't go away
My love for you is always here
And nothings getting' in its way
I know my love for you will be tested
I know my love for you is challenged everyday
I know my love for you will never give up
Because my love for you is here to stay
Now my love for you is in your heart
And that's where I want it to be
Cuz' my love for you was here from the start
It's just now you hold the key.

awk text saya lh !

thanx k text saya utk igtkn saya about that thing =) bahagia rasa bile awk text aw , even satu mct tp bahgia dihati Allah saja yg thu :) saya nk mnx izin nk call awk mlm klu awk tak izin kn saya tak pakse =) awk ! saya sayang awk ! igt kn ? saya rindu awk jgkk taw =) igt tak ? tp thanx aw text td..amat berharga bagi saya ! ! SAYANGGGGGG AWAKKKK !!!!