Sweet Memories

Miss the sweet moment with him )': 

I try to hold on, on to everything. Sweet memories, but that was yesterday.

Last Word : I LOVE YOU SO MUCH (=

       gambar penutup mintak kaki . Muhd Salihin kite sayang awakkkkkk !! 


Assalamualaikum , hari nie hari jadi kawan kite (: dia comel mcm kite :P lupe nak bgthu birthday siapa . budak yg comel mcm kite tuh ,IFFAH HANNANI (= kau dah tua dah iffah . sorry aku takde time birthday kau . hope yg ada time birthday kau boleh buad kau happy . selamat hari jadi yg ke 14 tahun . may Allah bless you dear . kau dah besar dah , so be mature kay . no more tears from you because of boy . really hate that . belajar rajin2 :P *nasihat utk diri sendiri jgk . we all LOVE you <3   May all your dreams and wishes come true!
Every gift from a friend is a wish for your happiness (=

Happy Birthday Dear (=  I LOVE YOU